The objective of initially analyzing a prospective or a client is to discover the actual issue the web will resolve. Skipping this planning step and taking a tactical approach by selling a prospect or client just a website, some SEO services, or a new app fails to address the central issue.
Robojuice provides a more refined experience for its clients through a partnership and relationship model. We start our client relationships with consolation through a discovery and analysis process. We use the analysis and planning first approach so we are not simply diving straight into tactical methods or random idea approaches that may not help our clients — which ultimately means we are not meeting expectations, understanding goals and objectives, and not serving them well.
Analysis and planning first are like going to the doctor for your health needs or to the mechanic for your car issues. You tell the expert the problems or symptoms you are experiencing, and they use their proficient knowledge in their field to provide you a recommended path of next steps. If we merely gave clients costs and web tactics right away before an analysis, that would be arrogant and irresponsible of us as a business. That would be like getting a prognosis, prescription, or healthcare plan from your doctor before doing a check-up and running tests on you first.
A solid plan, a solid platform, and a roadmap take the worry out of web and make our clients feel more confident and at peace. We want our clients to love the web and love working on web initiatives. We lead the digital planning process and provide direction for them to do what they do best and focus on growing their business.
This is also true online. Talk with a team that listens for the real issues and provides a personalized, well-thought-out plan that addresses those specific issues.